Friday, April 23, 2010

Week 3


The two words I learned today were relish and voracious.
Relish can be both a noun and a verb. To relish something is to enjoy it, mainly used when referring to eating something. The noun form is synonymous with enjoyment or excitement. Relish is also a side dish or condiment, as an addition to a meal. Relish most often refers to enthusiastic appreciation of something. Therefore, the negative form is also used, when a person is not looking forward to something. I eyed my breakfast with relish as it was presented before me.

Voracious is an adjective, most often used in reference to hunger or eating vigorously. It describes an insatiable appetite, or hunger, for food. It is most often paired with a human noun. The description is playfully abstract, because the word can be expanded to describe more than just a person's appetite for food. My voracious appetite for knowledge kept me engaged in class this morning.

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