Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Lampoon and Levee

Lampoon can be used as a noun or a verb. A lampoon is someone or something that criticizes or riducules another. The noun is often applied to people, but can be used for books. The verb, lampoon, means to ridicule or poke fun at in a satirical manner. Lampooning is a widely used comedic device. Lampoon is often used as a harsher cousin to parody, often employed in a more sarcastic manner.

Levee is a noun. A levee is an embankment built to protect against flooding. Levees are often made out of rock, sand and other earth, used to separate water from dry land by raising the bank between the river and dry land. A levee can also refer to a pier or a dock, or any level surface extending out into water.

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